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Cut short the treatment cost

                        How to Cut short the treatment cost 

 To  Cut short treatment costs, people should know certain things, especially in India.
 इलाज के खर्च में  कटौती कैसे करें।
 The doctor is the most important person in the health building of any society, the common man often face many health problems due to not having a lot of health information, sometimes getting treatment at the wrong place also increases the burden. Some times the disease is such that even the best doctor becomes helpless; In such a situation, what has to be taken care of by a patient and society, an attempt has been made to explain all the things in detail in this article. Please read and understand carefully and make other people also aware. The patient's family, friends, and society should take care of the following things if they really want to cut short the treatment cost.

 MBBS / MD / MS / DM degree is required for allopathy treatments. Doctors study for 12-15 years and pass hundreds of difficult examinations to achieve these degrees. So first of all, know from your doctor what degree your doctor is having! What type of disease he treats!
In this way, you can avoid getting treated by the wrong people and definitely you will be able to cut short the treatment cost.

Cut short the treatment cost
How to Cut short the treatment cost


2- Every doctor tries all possible treatments available for the patient and takes care of the patient day and night.Where everyone else works for a limited time in a day, the doctor is available 24 hours a day for the patients. The doctor does not care about his own comfort and reaches even in midnight to attend the emergency patients.
PLEASE try to appreciate the sacrifice of the doctor and the family of the doctor. We should appreciate the hard work of the doctor in this way, doctor also become humble for the patient and his relative and benefit goes to patients directly in many ways, because if patients and relatives behavior irritate the doctor then many doctors many time may over-treat or sometimes don't treat at all and refer to another hospital in this way cost of treatment increase.. so behave respectfully and make a good environment for working doctor this way you cut short the cost of treatment.

how Cut short the treatment cost

3-Some diseases are easily cured. Some serious illnesses may take more time to recover; At this condition, people should behave in a cool way and never get hyperreactive.

4 - The living of all humans, Food and lifestyle and age are different, so the same disease comes in different ways in different humans. So never compare your illness with someone else's disease. Someone may gets cured quickly and another one may take more time to recover. In such a time, you should be restrained and do not leave treatment in the middle,otherwise the disease will flourish more and then it will not be possible to cut short the treatment cost.

5-All doctors treat the patient according to best of their knowledge and experience. But if you are still not satisfied then you can take the advice of another doctor of the same specialty. But with the advice available on the internet and by other people advice do not change your own treatment. This can be harmful to you.

6 - It is often seen that even the less qualified people of the many small localities are doing serious patients's treatment. They also take money from you, it would be better if you spend the same money in the right place with the right doctor. If Treatment is given in a timely manner then the patient's disease does not reach to a more complicated conditions.

7-Serious condition of patients such as severe accident, heart attack, brain hemorrhage, Excessive bleeding during labor, etc. Complications are common in the treatment of serious conditions.Patient may also die in serious condition.
Therefore, in such a case, learn to accept the law of God. No one's body is immortal.
If the doctor himself suffers from these disease, then there is same danger to his life also as to any common patient.
** So do not think of finding a doctor's mistake in such circumstance, The doctor always tries to save the patient's life. **


8-If life and death were in the hands of a doctor, then no doctor would ever die of any disease. But like a common man, a doctor is also a common man. Doctor Worked hard to save every patient ,so please learn to appreciate being him available to the patient for 24 hours. This will build a positive environment for the doctor and society where he works.

9-Everything has become expensive in today's era. Therefore, medicines and treatment are also becoming expensive. Therefore, make sure to get a health insurance so that you can easily take advantage of all the facilities in a good hospital if needed and your future savings also not effected and you may not need to borrow money from anyone.

10- The private doctor does not get anything free to run a clinic or hospital
Neither from society nor from the government then How can a private doctor should provide treatment free? Think about this ????
But still, many doctors see patients for free; And many of the doctors also do free social work so that the poor people of the society do not have to be suffered.

11-You should learn to take care of your body so that sickness is minimized. Some things to care about yourself are...
Stay clean.
Do regular exercise or yoga.
Consume hygienic food and water.
Keep the environment clean and green
Follow the traffic rules.
get regular health checkups
Children should get the necessary vaccination on time. VACCINATION GUIDELINE 2019-2020 -IAP
keep your weight in the control.
keep your self slim and fit
Adopt a healthy lifestyle
Do get health insurance
Keep your past treatment record safe for future use.
in this way, you can have a healthy body.
इस विषय में हिंदी में अधिक जानकारी के लिए click here DOCTOR AND PATIENTS RESPONSIBILITY ,स्वस्थ समाज के निर्माण में आम आदमी क्या योगदान कर सकता है!

 "Support your doctor and build a healthy society"

Note - I request to you friends that if you want some more information on this subject, then write your comments in the comment box. I will try my best to answer.
                                                                                                                     Thank you.


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