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 Air travel with  infant for the first time always makes new parents worried. they ask many questions and many things come in their mind. The same had happened with us when we had air travel with infant for the first time, with our daughter Kiara.

My wife dr Ranju had asked me a lot of questions at that time and somewhat I was also worried before my first flight with a baby. Today again my friends, dr Anchala and dr Ashutosh asked me how should they prepare for their first flight with their 4-month-old baby.
so I m writing this article for the help of all such parents who need guidance on their first flight with baby/infants.

The first thing that comes into mind is whether is it safe to do air travel with an infant or not?
Which seat should be preferred with infants? 
What should we feed the infants before and during the flight?
What document you need while traveling with infants?
What medicine we should keep for emergency use?
Is there any help available at the airport for the mother and during the flight?
Does security check allow baby trolly, the car seat and baby bottle and drink? etc..etc..

Air travel with infant is totally safe, so first of all, remove all the fear from your mind. some airline doesn't allow flying with neonates and they ask to bring pediatrician certificate for a baby less than 7 days old, some have a rule for 14 days but people rarely need to fly with such a small baby.

In this article, I will explain how to have a safe and happy air travel with infants and will try to keep the article to the point and as short as possible, because many times we don't read the long articles and this way we miss many important things.

air travel with infant,

Preparation at home-

1-While air travel with infant most airlines requires you to show the proof of age for your infant. This can include a birth certificate(hospital certificate), passport or immunization records,so make sure you have kept them with your tickets.Carry a copy in your handbag or save a picture of the documentation on your phone also.

2-If the mother is traveling alone with a baby then better to check-in online and print your boarding passes from home, this will keep ur baby calm at airport check-in.

3- Keep a handbag with 4-5 baby diapers and a packet of wipes, changing clothes for your baby, and a loose t-shirt for mother also, Many times baby may soil mother,s clothes so keep options with you.

4 -Try to keep your baby's routine and schedule of feeding and sleeping before the flight as normal as possible this will keep ur baby calm.

5-Consider flying during their traditional sleep time. By the six months old age, most babies have at least some sort of sleeping routine.

6-For Up to 6 month old baby, book aisle side seat so that If  necessary you may walk up and down the aisle or head to the galley area easily without disturbing others.For babies older then 10 months you may take window seat to engage him outside view.Less then 6 month old no need of window seat for sure.

7-Some airline provides an extra leg-space seat for parents but they charge for that if this is in your budget take that seat otherwise you can manage with normal seat also. for a longer or international flight, you may also wish to request a seat assignment with a bassinet, especially for a younger baby who will still actually fit in one.

8-Keep 4-5small  toys in a handbag(toy without batteries) chewing gum for yourself, baby water/ milk bottle, feeding bottle if you use, extra polybags, extra baby hankies, extra baby dresses, baby blanket according to weather to cover the baby.

9- Mother and baby should wear comfortable clothes so that the mother can care for the baby easily.

10-Keep some medicine like paracetamol drop, colic relievers drop,anti-emetic drop, ear drops and anticold drops in a handbag for emergency use.


At the airport

1-For a happy air travel with infants try to reach early because getting late is one sure way to add stress to the situation. Many airports now have family lanes with extra staff available to assist parents. Take advantage of that opportunity if available.

2-Baby food and milk are exempt from the standard rules for liquids. Bring enough toys to get your baby through the flight. Baby stroller and car seat always allowed if you need them you can take with you.

3-Every airport has a baby care room, take a quick help of that, make sure to change the diaper before boarding to potentially reduce the number of changes you’ll have to do in-flight. Parents themselves should finish their routine and empty their bladder also at the airport washroom so that during the flight you need not go to the toilet because separation from parents in flight may irritate your baby.

4-Board the plane in the last so that you get minimal waiting before the flight takes off. The mother may wait with baby near the airstairs and send her partner inside with a handbag etc so that he may arrange your seat in advance because if the baby gets irritated during boarding in, all your plans to keep him calm will go in vain.

During the take-off and During Landing 

1-For air travel with infants, the flight attendant will give you an extra baby belt that you have to latch with your own belt, don't hesitate to ask for help, ask them how can you lock and unlock the baby belt.

2-The easiest way to fly with a newborn may simply keep them snuggled close to you. If you are nursing/feeding them they may be happiest doing that through the flight, Feeding them during this time can help relieve the ear pressure because the sucking motion they make will help equalize their ears.Earplugs can also be used.

3- Mother should also take chewing gum to avoid air pressure problems so that the mother can concentrate on the baby.

4-Many small airports have small runways from there plane accelerate very fast and take off suddenly and sometimes you feel jerk so keep baby close to you and be prepared for any such incidence also.

5-Same also happens while landing on short runways. The plane decelerates rapidly and you feel the jerk be careful about your baby.

6- While large airports like New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, etc have long runways and the plane takes off steadily and smoothly and landing is also smooth on large runways.

During flight-

With all this precaution 99 percent chances are there that you will have a smiling air travel with your infant having lots of selfies..

Even if with all the precautions your child has an issue during flight then do this.

1-First of all, while having air travel with infant parents should help with each other and try to avoid any arguments with each other for baby care usually, the father should follow the mother's instructions if needed without any arguments.

2-Ignore those around you and stay calm. your child is most important at that time and the baby may be screaming for some reason try to find out that, Maybe they’re scared with sound or maybe their ears hurt or simply they have wet diaper only pls, check once.

3- Keep yourself cool and speak softly to calm your child down. Your infant is your concern right now, not the people around you. The fellow traveler may complain but you should ignore them with a smile only, don't give them any clarification.

4-You may gently massage baby ears, offer them feed, give toys one by one so that the baby doesn't lose interest. If you offer multiple toys at once, they may become fussy and you won’t have many options left.

5-Keep cartoon and baby songs/rhythms downloaded video in a mobile phone to engage baby if nothing works this may work then.Download in advance because you will not get internet in flight.

6- During a short flight of 2-3 hr, parents should avoid eating themselves or eat carefully without disturbing the baby when he is sleeping.

7- Keep above all the points in mind while having air travel with infant.


If you have a travel partner with you, it will be best for you and the baby to deboard the plane first and your partner should pack the rest of your things and deboard later with all left luggage.
  (note-for more info about how to care newborn at home click here-CARE OF NEWBORN)

my dear friends, wish you very Happy air travel with infant ,.....

Pls, share the article with your friends also if you find it helpful

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Thank you...


  1. Thankyou dr.suklanath, dr.Ravikant from ayodhya,dr.ranju,dr.gitika,dr ruchi gupta and many more readers for positive feedback..
    Keep following for more interesting topics


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