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Life of a medico

Life of a medico

Facts you should know....

 What factors decide the life of a medico?

 After spending years in the medical field now I can say that what a medical student learns in a medical college is only 40 percent of what he needs for a stable happy 'life of a medico' in the future. medical college gives only bookish medical knowledge to students and they never have any idea of a successful and happy, personal and social and professional life. 
A medical student gains only small bunch of facts in medical college that he will need in his personal life to be happy and what will make him a successful doctor in the future after coming out of college.

Getting good marks in exams or getting failure once or twice or getting medals are not the only criteria to become a successful, happy and satisfied or a bad doctor in India. Of course money matters, but earning huge money and becoming a good doctor is an entirely different task now in India. I have seen many stressful medical students and many doctors not happy with their decision to become a doctor,reason may be different for different people but this is true.

18 to 20-year-old students enter the medical college and reach 32-35 years of age when he gets his PG degree and still remains confused about where to go now and what to do and how to do? 
Alas, the life of a medico?

life of a medico
life of a medico

 There are lots of ingredients needed to make this recipe tasty. M
ost of the time 90 percent of medical students in Indian medical colleges have no idea what they will do in the future, they just spend all the time in books and lecture halls and hundreds of clinical examinations most of the time with a fear of failure. Life of a medical student had never been easy due to the heavy study load they have faced in a medical college in India.

 Medical students get only medical education and remain somewhat unaware of his personal life and future goal. The only goal they know in a medical college is passing the semester and yearly professional exam. Most of the time they don't have any idea of their future targets and what are the things that will decide their future. Many times I discuss these points with medical students, colleagues, juniors, and friends in medical college. After years of discussion with friends and living the same life of a medico  I have arrived at some points that decide any doctor,s life forever.

 Medical students must have a clear understanding of these seven points before they pass their final exit exam or at least by the time their internship finish they should have made some solid opinion on these points. Some things should be decided in the early year of the post-graduation course also. Although they are different points actually they all are interconnected. 

With passing the professional exam every year give some time to yourself and discuss these points with yourself and with your best friends, family, and well-wisher who can guide you better for all these points. Take the right decision on these seven points then definitely every medical student may have a happy 'life of a medico'. 

Number one - Choice of Future job 

-Think in advance that what will you do after getting a medical degree?
 Govt job or a Pvt hospital job or your own Pvt clinic.All have its pros and cons and one must understand these before getting into any field.
you may to go to academics and research work?
Try to learn the pros and cons of all these sectors and prepare accordingly.

Number two- Your PG branch

What would you prefer? however, it depends on many factors and your PG entrance rank will matter the most but even then you should have a top 5 choice in your mind that can suit you in future whether it is a clinical branch or nonclinical branch in the postgraduate course.
whatever branch you choose, think about all the future aspects of that branch. It will stick to you for the whole of your life and you cant change it later.

Number three- Your life partner

Whom will you get married? Do you want a medico or a non-medico spouse? If medico spouse, then will the branch of your spouse will affect you, think about this?
If non-medico spouse then whether he/she should be working or house maker etc.
Female medical students have more challenges to face than males in this issue. happy married life depends on many other factors also but when it comes to career choice think Wisley so that both of the life partners can help each other in all the way. To read more about a happy married life rules click the link
Married Life Rule: What No One Is Talking About? The Beginners guide

Number four-Marriage timing

Marriage is one of the most important events in anyone life and when it comes to the life of medico
What will be the right time of marriage for medical students? Think over it.
During PG time or during Senior residency or when should you get married so that your study and career don't affect much and you could enjoy your married life also.
To know more about the rules of a happy married life click here Rules of happy married life

Number five-Economical targets

What you think about money?? What is your monthly target of income? What are your economical goals and by what time and age you want to achieve them? What do you think about how much a doctor earns nowadays? Do all the doctors earn the same amount of money???????
Think over it.

Number six-Choice of city

Where will you settle as a doctor? Your home town or another city. What resource you have if you are planning to settle in your home town, where is a better opportunity waiting for you? think over it and then decide.

Number seven-Time zone rule

Buffer time rule/Rule of time zone-Never ever compare yourself with others. This could harm you in many ways.
Everyone has his own different starting points and different phase of life with different targets. you think of yourself and don't copy others. What is good for one may be useless for try to make your own way..

If readers want a detail explanation of any of these points, please write in the comment box.
I will write a separate article for each point that can guide you to a happy 'Life of a medico'.

Thanx for Reading..
Pls write your feedback in comment box..


  1. I completely agree to you dear Ravikant. we definitely need a different approach for a happy and successful life. I think having good friends is one of the most important parameters for happy life.

  2. Dry well written. I agree with all your points but I would like to add a few more.
    1. Choice of college for those who are in top rankings. Renowned colleges are accepted everywhere, be it patients or employers. If you have choice for a better college, go for it without thinking twice about distance from your hometown or your friends in the same institution.
    2. How much to study, that is whether to go for super specialization or stay with post graduate or only MBBS degree.
    If you still have the stamina to study, go for super specialization. It will pay you in the long run.

  3. I completely agree with you Ravi but I would like to add few more points.
    1. Go for a better institution if you have a choice, without thinking about your friends or convenience, like distance from hometown.
    2. If you have stamina to study further, go for super specialization. It will pay you in the long run.

  4. I completely agree with you Ravi but I would like to add few more points.
    1. Go for a better institution if you have a choice, without thinking about your friends or convenience, like distance from hometown.
    2. If you have stamina to study further, go for super specialization. It will pay you in the long run.


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