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Why do babies cry

What to do when babies cry

जब बच्चे रोते हैं तो क्या करें

tips by Dr.R.K.Nirankari (M.D.)

why do babies cry
Why do babies cry 

This is a very common complaint from most parents. Many parents ask me why do babies cry so much in the night time. Why baby cries while passing urine etc and many more queries remain in parents' minds.

Most of the new parents have no idea of newborn babies nowadays due to the nuclear family. They behave more aggressively at every cry of the baby. First of all, parents should be clear in mind that the baby will behave in its own way and not like an adult.
Baby knows only one language and that is crying, everything he will share with you is by crying. Every cry is not a medical problem. Here in this article I will discuss the common causes of the baby's cry and clear the doubts of parents. 


A  newborn baby doesn't have any idea of day and night and follows the same pattern of sleep and awakening as of its intrauterine pattern. Most of the mothers know this that during pregnancy they feel the more fetal movement during night time because the baby is awake that time and after birth baby may follow the same pattern of awakening during the night(jet lag). While parents feel sleepy at midnight that time even 30 min of baby awakening makes them irritated and next morning they come to the pediatrician and say that the baby was awake the whole night and there is some problem with the baby.

First of all make it clear that its normal pattern of the many newborns and it may continue up to the age of 2-3 months, by that time baby develop some understanding of daytime and night time and start to follow some fixed pattern of sleep at night time also.

If baby is awake in the night and cries then you just feed the baby and try to relax him by talking with him. Most of the time baby sleeps again by this. Avoid any kind of sounds in the room like TV/mobile etc and use night bulbs don't keep room totally dark.


Many babies cry in the evening due to abdominal discomfort they feel this is called the evening colic.
Evening colic is a very common problem in babies and it happens in the evening between 6 pm to 9 pm. If it happens, again and again, consult the pediatrician.
Burping after every feed is a must to avoid colic.
Avoid bottle feed it may cause colic.
Some babies may have a cow milk allergy and this may cause colic after feeding.


1-First of all check the diaper of the baby. In my personal experience, 90 percent of the time baby cry due to a wet diaper only.

2-Check for diaper rash, many times babies have diaper rash and it irritates them with every movement of legs and they start crying. Give attention to it ask your pediatrician for treatment.

3-Some Indian family put tabiz etc to baby and many times it pricks to baby skin with movement and baby start to cry .try to avoid too tight tabiz etc.

4-Check clothes. Is there any tight clothing that making the baby cry.

5-Try to feed the baby maybe the baby is hungry and crying if the baby doesn't suck the nipple check the tungue of the baby. Is there any oral thrush or ulcer in the mouth. then consult your doctor.

6-Some time baby just wants to change the environment feeling. Many times parents come to my clinic and say that the baby was crying at home excessively but as soon as we reach your clinic it calms down.
the only magic is that the baby wanted to go out and parents bring him clinic.

7-Check for ear wax.many time baby have ear wax and it irritates the baby and thy cry with hand banging. Clear it with cotton and consult your doctor.

8-Many baby cry just before and after passing the urine and stool. This is normal  and it's their own way to tell you that that they want to pass urine and after passing urine, of course, they tell you that they have done ..clean now

9-Constipation and hard stool also make baby irritated and the baby starts to cry at the feeling of defecation. If the baby has constipation which lasts more than 3 days then consult the pediatrician.

10-Baby may have a mild fever that may cause body ache and malaise and baby get irritated. In case of fever consult pediatrician.

11-Baby may have bored with old toys then offer him new ones. It may work many times.

How to bath newborn baby to know click here-Bathing of the newborn baby


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