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What is pooled sample testing method for Coronavirus/COVID-19

What is pooled sample testing method for Corona virus/COVID-19
Its Use and limitations

               हिंदी में जानकारी के लिए वीडियो देखें

When was this method used first time

This method was used first time in world war 2nd and then used in 1990 for HIV epidemic,when test kits were costly and unavailable for large scale use.

ICMR statement for Corona pool test.
Recently many country conducted study for corona virus pool testing.
Similar study was conducted in KGMU lucknow India and after finding satisfactry result it is now recommend for use in public screening.

What is pooled testing
In this method more then 1 sample is mixed in buffer solution and tested with single kit.
ICMR recommend testing of 5 sample in single test kit.
TS/NS (throat swab/nasal swab)of 5 patients 200ul/sample collected in buffered solution and tested for RT PCR.

For research purpose more then 5 sample can be processed in minipool but not in public screening.
Because in case of low viral load  it may give false negative result.

What are criteria for pool test
Where prevalence of corona infection is less then 5 this method can be used for screening purpose only.
If prevalence is more then 5% it is not used.
It is used for community survey in asymptomatic individual.where positivity rate is less then 2%
Health care worker and people with history of contact not included in pool testing.

How results are interpreted
If pool sample comes negative then all the five person declared negative for corona virus.
If pool sample comes positive then preserved  part of all the 5 sample is processed separately to confirm the status in each person.

Benefit of pool testing
Cost effective
Less men power needed
Fast screening
Less test kits needed

Limitation of pool testing
Can not be used when prevalence of infection is more then 5.
When positivity rate is more then 5% it is not recommended.
Can not pool more then 5 sample because large number of sample will dilute the Viral load in pool sample and this will give false negative results.

              कोरोना की स्टेज 2 और 3 क्या होती है।
          हिंदी में जानने के लिए वीडियो और क्लिक करे।


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