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Friends forever best Friends

New vs old Friends_ FriendsForever_LoveAndFriendship_bestFriends

New vs old Friends_ FriendsForever_LoveAndFriendship

We all are  social beings, and the most important relationship in social connections is friendship. It involves not only a mutual affinity and concern for each other but also a strange sense of belonging without any greed. However, the longevity of friendship depends on your perspective on age and its need at the age when you become friend with someone.we all have some people in life whom we proudly say friends forever, childhood friends,college friends,best friends etc etc..

In life, we needs change at every stage of age, and accordingly, social relationships also change. After a certain period of life, a person often becomes limited only to themselves or gets entangled in their home, family, or work.

Even after meeting more then hundreds of people in last 10 years, if you hesitate to consider even one new person as your friend, it dont make me wonder because the walls you have built around you are of your own making, or if you may have now started assuming everyone to be selfish, and extending friendship seems to become a risky trade for you.

Now, be honest and answer one thing. If you are of my age, in the past 10 years, have you made some good friends? After finishing college, is there anyone whom you can say is a new entry in your best friends' list for whole life?

Is there anyone like that? Or not?

Till 30s or 40s everyone has gotten married, started families, and had children. We won't count that here. We will judge the behavior of other people in society based on the criterion of friendship. So, if there is someone other than family, do let us know.

The role of family is different in life. Friends have a different role.

Boys will have male friends, girls will have new female companions, or boys and girls can also be friends. But here, we are not talking only about friendships between boys and girls. We are simply talking about friendship.

Have you not made new friends? Or do you not want to? Or are you afraid to make new friends? Or do you no longer trust anyone as you used to?

After college, in the last 10-12 years, have you been unsuccessful in making any true friends? Or can you say that you haven't met anyone whom you can genuinely call a friend? Now you can think about how compelled you are to live a self-centered life. There is no outlet for your feelings. Everything is closed.

One significant disadvantage of maturity is that it is difficult for a person to find and like people who share similar thoughts and understanding.

Therefore, true friendship is formed at a tender age, without any calculations or expectations. Once it is established, it lasts a lifetime. This holds true not only for friendship but also for relationships based on love.

Excessive understanding becomes detrimental to maintaining long-lasting friendships. Friendship thrives on simplicity and innocence.

After a certain age or, let's say, after maturity sets in, a person mostly sees the pros and cons in new friendships, and all other relationships also become dependent on that. Sometimes, mental beliefs change, or a sense of worldly detachment arises with age, and we don't feel the need to be friends with new people we meet.

It may have happened to you as well that although behaving and interacting with others in very good way, you still hesitate to call someone your friend. 

Therefore,always take care of your old friends you already have and enjoy life. It is possible that these old friends may not be of much use, but at least you can have heart-to-heart conversations with them.

You can share a thousand worries of life and touch the essence of life. 

That's why they are in the list of best friends, and they will always remain there. And you can proudly say that you have some best friends for life....
















FriendsForever_oldIsGold_friendship_love_oldFriends_socialNeed_life_LifewithoutFriends_ForgetYourFriends_friendsScinceChildhood_collegeFriends _bestFriends

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