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Newborn baby Problems that Need No Medicine

Newborn baby problems that Need No Medicine

नवजात शिशु की समस्याएं जिसके लिए दवाई की जरूरत नहीं है
Tips by Dr.R.K. Nirankari (M.D.)
Newborn baby problems that Need No Medicine नवजात शिशु की समस्याएं जिसके लिए दवाई की जरूरत नहीं है

Newborn baby problems that Need No Medicine

1-Regurgitation of milk, Indigestion

This is a very common newborn baby problem that needs no medicine and almost every parent experiences this with their baby. This happens due to a lack of burping most of the time and no medicine is needed.
Some time baby overfeeds and regurgitates the milk.Mother should learn how much time her baby takes to feed and how much gap is good between two feedings.
Usually, two hours gap is suggested between feeds. The mother should burp the baby for five to ten minutes after every feed. Many parents ask whether they should do burping even if the baby is on the top feed? The answer is yes.
Even if the baby is on top feed then also burping should be done.
This way regurgitation can be avoided in newborn babies most of the time.

2-Bleeding per vagina

This may happen in some newborn girls but not in every girl child. This is also a common newborn baby problem that needs no medicine.
The mother notices bleeding spots per vagina and blood spots in the baby diaper.
This happens due to the withdrawal of the mother's hormones.
When the baby is in utero she is exposed to mother hormone and these effects persist for 3-5 days after birth.
When the effects wean withdrawal bleeding per vagina occurs in newborn girl child which continues for four to five days and then stops on its own.
All that is needed is counseling and assurance to the parents that this is normal things.

3-Breast engorgement in newborn

this can happen in male as well as in female newborn baby and this is again due to effects of mother's hormones on baby breast tissue.
maternal hormones cause breast nodule engorgement that may persist for up to one month.
Parents and caregivers should avoid pressing and squeezing the breast nodule.Sqeezing can damage normal breast nodule and pus can be formed ,infection can flare up there.
When the effects of the hormone wean off breast nodule regress to normal size of five mm.
Parent counseling is the only treatment and maintain hygiene so that any infection can be avoided.


Breastfed babies may pass the stool daily and may pass a sticky golden yellow stool after 2 -3 days.
This is normal phenomena in newborn and parents should not worry about it
If the baby doesn't feed well and has abdominal fullness then consult doctor otherwise it will resolve on its own,. 

5-Crying before and after passing urine and stool

This is the most common newborn baby problem that needs no medicine and almost every parent complains about it to a child specialist doctor.
This is the baby's own way to convey to parents that it wants to pass urine or stool and after passing urine or stool baby again cry to tell the parents that it has done  and now clean me.

6-Frequent passage of stool/Gastrocolic reflex

This is again a very common newborn baby problem that needs no medicine and parents get worried easily by this problem.
Many times newborn babies pass the stool after every feeding. This happens due to gastrocolic reflex
when the peristalsis of stomach proceeds forward to the colon, the baby passes the stool stored there already.
This is absolutely normal phenomena in newborns and no medicine required for this
the baby may pas little amount of stool 6-8 time per day only concern is there if the baby passes a large amount of stool or stool of watery consistency, otherwise no need to worry.

7-Vernix caseosa

This is naturally occurring lipid-rich white-yellowish substance that coat the newborn baby skin. The preterm baby may have a small amount of it and the post-term may not have very little or no vernix caseosa. This keeps the baby warm also and supports the normal bacterial colonization over newborn skin.
This substance is natural cleanser and antioxidants with anti-infective and wound healing properties that protect the baby. Parents should not try to remove it intentionally. It sheds off with time on its own.

8-Breast milk jaundice

There are many variants of jaundice in newborns. This may be physiological, pathological or breast milk jaundice.
Bilirubin is formed from the break down of old red blood cells. Breastfeed baby may have jaundice that occurs on the tenth day to the twentieth day of life and may persist for up to 2 months also.
This is not a harmful phenomenon for baby and mothers should not stop breastfeeding. Moreover bilirubin level and treatment for jaundice is not a simple mathematical calculation many points need to be considered before starting any treatment like a newborn baby's age, gestational age, weight, mother blood group, any infection of the baby. So never get worried by only bilirubin reports and discuss the other factor also with your doctor who can guide parents better.


This is boggy swelling over the head of a baby that develops after two to three days of birth. This develops due to prolonged labor or due to some manipulative , instrumental procedure during the vaginal delivery of the baby. This develops due to minute bleeding in the subperiosteal space of the skull. Capillary blood collects and a boggy swelling develops in subperiosteal space.
This disappears on its own in four to six weeks and no treatment is required for this swelling. The only concern is if there is an increase in the bilirubin level which can cause jaundice in newborns.

10-Erythema toxicam

Don't confuse with name toxicam, This absolutely nontoxic condition where red rashes develop between two to the fifth day of life over the baby trunk and may persist for up to 15 days of life.
Its red spots with yellow papules.Its hypersensitive reaction of some newborns'skin to some allergens.
This heals by it owns without leaving any mark on the skin.
The only thing to consider is to maintain hygiene and avoid uses of any powder and cream. 
Proper bathing of the newborn is the only thing needed to heal this.

To know how to bath a newborn baby click here-


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