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Dr Ranju choudhary MD skin,Dermatologist and cosmetologist in saharanpur

 Dr Ranju choudhary MD skin

Dermatologist and cosmetologist in saharanpur

Dr Ranju choudhary is well know and famous skin specialist doctor of sahranpur.

Dr Ranju choudhary MD ,dermatologist and cosmetologist

She has completed her post graduation from RIMS Ranchi.She worked in very famous safdarzang hospital new delhi.

She contributed in establishing the dermatology department of saharanpur medical college and worked as assistant professor of dermatology there.

Dr Ranju choudhary is owner of Usha clinic in saharanpur , a specialist center for skin care at very low and affordable price in saharanpur with minimum consultation fees.

Patients visit her clinic from other cities also because of good care and best result in very low and affordable price.

Clinic address is usha child and skin care clinic

Dr ranju choudhary skin care clinic

Bapu ji nagar,ITC road(circuit house road) saharanpur,9557141304, 8445000873

Dr Ranju choudhary MD,dermatologist and cosmetologist


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